
AASFAA Committees

Our committees are the framework of our association. Committee chairs and members are vital to our association and keep us moving forward to our mission. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please review the committee information below and complete the volunteer form.

The document(s) below contain contact information for committee chairs.  To access, you must be a registered AASFAA website user.

2025 Committee Chairs
2024 Committee Chairs
2023 Committee Chairs
2022 Committee Chairs

Awards and Service Recognition

 The Awards and Service Recognition Committee is charged with the recognition of AASFAA members who have provided service or made significant contributions toward the aims and ideals of the financial aid professionals in the state.

Duties: Develops categories to meet the purpose of the committee. Solicits candidates and selects recipients (with Executive Council approval) for various awards for AASFAA, SWASFAA and NASFAA. Selects gifts/certificates for awardees to be presented at the annual conference.

Current categories are:

  • Arkansas Philo Brasher Emerging Leadership Award: recognized at AASFAA annual conference and the SWASFAA annual conference

  • Service Awards: Awarded to all individuals who are currently full or associate members of AASFAA and have 10,15, 20, and 25 or more years of service in the financial aid profession.

  • Retirement Recognition

  • Outstanding Service Award

  • Distinguished Service Award

Time commitment: light, two months prior to Spring and Fall Conference, works closely with Membership Chair/Committee




Committee Chairs

Year Name
2019, 2020 Kevin Jumper
2018 Laura Lawrence

Spring Conference

Committee Chairs

Year Name
2020 Jennifer Williams
2019 Kris Burford
2018 Radeanna Garcia

Corporate Sponsor

The Corporate Sponsor Committee is charged with serving as a liaison between the Executive Council and the Associate Members.

Duties: Updates the corporate exhibitor information on the website. Encourages corporate exhibitor participation in AASFAA activities by current and prospective vendors. Provides appropriate recognition and thanks for sponsors supporting the Association and its activities. Provide a listing of conference sponsors to be included in the conference program.   Acts as a liaison between all sponsors and the Association. Assists sponsors before and after each conference, as requested. Provides input to site and conference committees on sponsor’s needs. Obtain one piece of collateral material to be included in the registration packets for the conference or any other training event.


Time Commitment:  Moderate. 


Electronic Initiatives

Committee Chairs

Year Name
2019 Stacey Dunlap
2018 Stacey Dunlap, Quinton Morgan
2017 Stacey Dunlap, Camille Guess-Mitchell, Quinton Morgan

Fall Conference

Fall 2022 Conference Agenda


Purpose:   This committee is charged with designing a conference program that will meet the professional needs of the AASFAA membership. The Training Committee will handle the educational training sessions conducted during the conference.




  1.  Design a program for the conference that accommodates the needs of the various significant components of the financial aid profession.


  1.  Follow through with program arrangement necessary for conducting the Conference.


  1. Prepare and recommend to the President a budget of expenses and revenue associated with planning, implementing, and concluding the program for the Conference.


  1. Be responsible for inviting and arranging for dignitaries to attend the conference.


  1. The annual conference will ideally be scheduled in October each year at a location convenient to the majority of the membership.  The format of the conference will be a two-day, one-night event.  Following is a schedule template that can be used (with modification) by the Conference Committee.  Ultimately the committee is charged with offering as many training sessions as possible during the two-day event, completely filling each day’s agenda.


                                                     Day One

                                                                                1:00-2:15     General Session

                                                                                2:30-3:30     Breakout Session 1

                                                                                3:30-4:00     Exhibitor Room Break

                                                                                4:00-5:00     Breakout Session 2

                                                                                5:00-6:00     Reception with Exhibitors

                                                                                6:00-8:00     Awards Dinner

                                                                                8:00-9:30     Fundraising Activity for Scholarships


                                                     Day Two

                                                                                7:00-8:00     Breakfast

                                                                                8:00-9:00     Breakout Session 3

                                                                                9:15-10:15   Breakout Session 4

                                                                                10:30-11:30 General Session

                                                                                11:30-1:00   Lunch and Program

                                                                                1:15-2:15     Breakout Session 5

                                                                                2:30-3:30     Breakout Session 6


  1. Membership on the Conference Committee shall include the Training Committee chair and the President-Elect as ex-officio.


Time commitment moderate to heavy: monthly responsibilities for planning, monthly meetings with committee.  Heavy time commitment one month prior to conference and during the conference.


2020 Fall Conference Committee Chair:   Dena Thompson, UA-Pulaskitech, Email: 

2019 Fall Conference Committee Chair:   Kirsten Oesau, Hendrix College  Email: ; Phone: (501) 450-1268


Federal and State Issues

Committee Chairs

Year Name
2020 Kevin Jumper
2019 Kris Burford
2018 Becky Collins
2017 Terry Finney


Committee Chairs

Year Name
2019, 2020 Kirsten Cross
2018 Becky Hammett
2017 Lavonne Juhl

Financial Aid Awareness

Committee Chairs

Year Name
2020 Connie Lisemby
2019 Becky Hammett
2018 April Herring
2017 April Herring


Committee Chairs

Year Name
2020 Currently Vacant
2019 Jay Simpson
2018 Jay Simpson
2017 Jay SImpson


The Membership Committee is charged with recruitment and retention of AASFAA membership.



  • Develops materials that promote membership in the state, regional, and national associations
  • Conducts surveys of the membership to ascertain needs, satisfaction, etc.
  • Promotes AASFAA to potential members
  • Review membership information on the website each year
  • Maintain an accurate database listing of members
  • Work with AASFAA Treasurer on current membership
    Calendar Activities
  • October – December – Send out renewal reminder
  • January – April – Send out second renewal reminder
    Time Commitment:  Moderate. 
    Current Chair:  Amy Neathery, Arkansas Student Loan Authority,, 501-683-4130


Committee Chairs

Year Name
2019, 2020 Mechell Watson
2018 Tenille Johnson
2017 Donna Cox


Committee Chairs

Year Name
2019, 2020 Vicky Walker
2018 Kirsten Cross
2017 Becky Hammet

Site Selection

Committee Chairs

Year Name
2019, 2020 Vicky Walker
2018 Shelia McManus
2017 Shelia McManus

Strategic Planning

Committee Chairs

Year Name
2019, 2020 Kirsten Cross
2018 Becky Hammet
2017 Lavonne Juhl


Committee Chairs

Year Name
2020 Michelle Cordell/Amber Spaeth
2019 Jennifer Williams/Conie Riley
2018 Jennifer Williams
2017 Jennifer Williams